Tuesday, January 31, 2012

third spaces, a walk in the park

Third spaces promote community and well being. Ray Oldenburg and other sociologists and psychologists have written about the importance of public spaces that promote well being and happiness. In his book The Great Good Place, Oldenburg demonstrates why places that people can gather are important to health and happiness. They help build and develop community life. Oldenburg says that places like parks, restaurants, book shops, bars, coffee shops, general stores, and other “third places” (in contrast to the first and second places of home and work), are important to overall happiness.
By exploring how these places work and what roles they serve, in his book Oldenburg offers place-making tools and insight for individuals and communities.
My life is significantly enriched by Rockford Park, a large park with woods, picnic area's, dog park, near my house. Every day I walk my dog, chat with neighbors, and exercise in the park. I am endlessly thankful to have this available.
Share your third space with readers. where is it? what does it provide? 


  1. The third space I use the most is my local Y--neither as beautiful nor as peaceful as Rockford Park but nonetheless a place that is important to me both for the community I have formed there with my "gym buddies" and the exercise I get that makes me feel better daily and I hope will provide a healthier and more active old age.

  2. The third space I use the most is Heardmont Park outside of Birmingham, Alabama. It is close to my house and very much a community venue. My sons have multiple sporting activities there, track, cross country, baseball etc but I also walk the dogs there on the cross country trail or I walk the regular track. We had picnics and parties there. It is a great place to go and clear your head.

  3. A third space I enjoy visiting is der kommissar, a sausage house (with veggie options!) around the corner from my apartment. Their goal, which they successfully accomplish, is to create a place where neighborhood folks hang around, have a beer, and interact socially. We have become friendly with the bartender and the owners are very involved in the South Slope community. I can always count on good food, quality beer, and enjoyable conversation at der kommissar.

  4. Spot on, Jasmin - Since my return from India I am home or commuting to WCU, hence, at work. And, it's a glum experience. I'll get out and walk in the park today. So easy to let the pressures of "time" dictate misery. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Enjoyed a beautiful walk at the beach in Rehoboth

  6. I love to go and hike at Hanging Rock state park. It is a spectacular place and only 45 minutes from my house. It is located in Danbury NC. Soraya, like you said it is a place to go clear your head. It's funny, by the time I get in my car to leave, I only have one thought and that is to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the way home. Mission accomplished.
