Tuesday, January 31, 2012

third spaces, a walk in the park

Third spaces promote community and well being. Ray Oldenburg and other sociologists and psychologists have written about the importance of public spaces that promote well being and happiness. In his book The Great Good Place, Oldenburg demonstrates why places that people can gather are important to health and happiness. They help build and develop community life. Oldenburg says that places like parks, restaurants, book shops, bars, coffee shops, general stores, and other “third places” (in contrast to the first and second places of home and work), are important to overall happiness.
By exploring how these places work and what roles they serve, in his book Oldenburg offers place-making tools and insight for individuals and communities.
My life is significantly enriched by Rockford Park, a large park with woods, picnic area's, dog park, near my house. Every day I walk my dog, chat with neighbors, and exercise in the park. I am endlessly thankful to have this available.
Share your third space with readers. where is it? what does it provide?